5 Tips for Working Out During the Holidays…BEFORE They Start
How many times does this happen to you? You look up, suddenly see that the calendar has flipped to October, realize that Halloween essentially heralds in the holiday season, and think to yourself—
So long workout routine…see you January 1st.
Why do we do this to ourselves? We essentially throw the entire last quarter of the year (that is 92 days, my friends) out the window for 4 holidays. It’s nothing short of madness.
But it doesn’t have to be this way, and one of the best ways to avoid the anti-workout holiday mindset is to get your body into a routine now…before the season begins.
Set Your Intention

I want you to sit with the figure I threw at you in the introduction….many of us consider the last 92 days of the year a wash because of 4 holidays (beginning with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve). Can you imagine embracing this any other time of the year?
I’m going to give up exercise from April – June because Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.
It sounds ridiculous, right?
So set your intention now that this holiday season is going to be different…and stick to it.
Schedule Your Workouts

You’re probably adding holiday outings and activities to your calendar as they come up—why not do the same for your workouts?
Your schedule doesn’t have to be set in stone but having it on your calendar will increase the likelihood you’ll follow through.
Workout with Friends

There are a couple of benefits to working out with friends. First, it’s fun…and second, it helps you stay accountable knowing your tribe is waiting for you. So, sign up for a class together, gather your group and head to the gym, or just meet for a brisk walk.
Get Fit with the Fam

There’s no reason you can’t take your family along for some outdoor, holiday-themed fitness fun. If you’re lucky enough to live in a cold climate where ice skating happens outdoors, spend an afternoon sliding over the ice. If you’re in a warmer location, look for an ice rink.
Fall is a wonderful time to plan a family hike and enjoy the changing color of leaves and the turning of the season. Other activities that have a fitness element include apple picking, corn maze walking, and chopping down your own Christmas tree.
Such activities are a great way to celebrate the season while moving your body and getting your heartrate up.
Take a Mini Gym with You While Traveling

If you’ll be traveling over the holidays, plan to take a few key equipment pieces with you. First and foremost, pack workout clothes and sneakers. At the bare minimum, you’ll be able to get a walk or run in no matter where you are.
Other items you may want to pack include resistance bands, a jump rope, and a set of sliders.
Our final piece of advice—if you find you’ve missed a few workouts or overindulged over an entire weekend…forgive yourself. A few days won’t have a significant impact on your health and wellness…but 90 days very well could.
Let’s go into this holiday with strong intentions and a commitment to celebrate our own health this season. It’s a gift you certainly deserve!